Friday, September 5, 2008

Grandpa John comes to town

This past weekend, my dad (now affectionately known as "Grandpa John" around here) came to visit for a bit and it was great to spend some quality time with him. He brought some new books for the boys, and they have instantly become the most-often requested stories at bedtime and naptime. My Dad also brought his friend Kay with on this trip, and it was great getting to spend some time with her and getting to know her better too. On Friday night, Grandma Rhoda and Grandpa Jim watched the boys for us (HUGE thanks!) so that we could go out for a nice dinner with my dad and Kay at Granite City, one of our favorite restaurants here in CR.

Then on Saturday morning, we brought Joel and Silas to Bever Park with my dad and Kay and it was an absolutely beautiful day. We were so glad to get to finally share some of our favorite CR places with my dad. The boys really seemed to like Kay a lot, and warmed up to her very quickly. She even helped Joel eat most of his burger (always a challenge) by creating a little "who can take a bite the fastest?" competition with him, which he totally loved. Eating time can be stressful for Joel, so it was great to see him loosen up and have fun with Kay while chomping on his burger.

1 comment:

Gma Rho said...

I love the new picture of the "Dill Boys" at the top of your blog!