Thursday, March 6, 2008

New word for Silas

Silas is talking a lot more these days. Not quite sentences, but 3-4 word combos are not too uncommon for him. Here's a funny little exchange I had with him this morning.

Me: Silas, is that a monkey?

Silas: No, Daddy, chimp!

And the other day he found some black crumbs on the floor in the living room. He picked a few up, brought them to show to Jorie, and said, "Mouse! Mouse poop!" He must have been paying attention when we first moved in. (for those who were not aware, yes, we had a mouse - I captured it in a garbage can and chucked it into the woods)

1 comment: said...

So cute! We are so anxious to see you guys again! Love you and miss you lots!